Actually feeling like summer
Posted by Susan , Tuesday, July 9, 2013 6:30 AM
The youngest child asked what day it was yesterday. It took his sisters awhile to come up with an answer; it is officially summer!
Heat index is another way we are discovering the existence of summer in our house. The homestead is stuffy -- we're cheap and keep it balmy inside -- and the dogs are seeking every fan in the house so they can block the flow of air with their hairy, stinky bodies. And this is the week Marty decides to start riding his bike to work. I'm proud of him, but with the heat and the crazy construction near our house I worry. It is quite possible that I was a Jewish mother in a former life with the way I worry.
In other news: I've learned some interesting tidbits about my body over the last nine days of using ovulation predictor sticks. Specifically I ovulate really late compared to the statistical norms. This could explain why we've missed it the past few months. Might not, but it just might...
It is intriguing to me that I can simultaneously want something so bad and be so utterly and completely freaked out by the thought of the process and then watch as my brain -- always desiring for something rational to occur -- tries to figure it all out. Bio tic tocs and primal fear will win out... God help Marty.
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