
Posted by Susan , Tuesday, June 14, 2011 3:09 PM

Procrastination. Typing the word twice helped me delay actually writing about this....

Seriously, why do I procrastinate? It is, in my opinion, one of my biggest flaws, er.... growing edges. Today, I'm avoiding doing my homework. Homework that is technically not due until Sunday but due to my surgery on Friday I'm trying to get a jump on it. Really, it is a simply annotation of a chapter. It should, ultimately, only take two hours max, but here I am blogging about it instead of doing it. This is just the latest in a long line of activities I've done today to avoid the work. They include:

-- walking with my husband
-- cleaning the garage
-- sorting through donations
-- taking donations to church
-- wrapping up Girl Scout paperwork (thank God that ring is closed for now)
-- sending my mom a link to a house she should buy
-- updating my status on Facebook 4 times
-- dorking around on the Weight Watchers eTools
-- planting succulents in a really cool planter

And a few other things that involve personal grooming and yelling at kids....

So, my procrastination (today) has been, at least, productive in some counts but still isn't what I really need to be doing.

Now, if you'll excuse me I need to plan and execute dinner and then think about homework some more.

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